Her Sound Her Story is directed, produced and edited by Claudia Sangiorgi Dalimore and co-produced by Michelle Grace Hunder.
Running Time: 73 minutes. Ideal to play during a double class, or over 2 lessons.
About this guide
This guide has been made to support the use of the independent Australian documentary Her Sound Her Story in classrooms for students in year 10 students and above.
The guide steps teachers and students through the film, with general questions at the end of every chapter.
This icon is used through this resource to indicate stimulus questions, and could be set as home learning activities.
This icon is used throughout the guide to indicate a downloadable PDF of the corresponding page. Click on the icon to download the PDF.
Her Sound Her Story guide outline
Curriculum links and activities – Australian Curriculum
Curriculum links and activities – VCE Media (Victorian Certificate of Education)
Complete curriculum activities suggested are within the framework of the Australian Curriculum in the following learning areas: The Arts: Music & Media Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, History, Civics and Citizenship, as well as the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject Media.
Activities suggested for Media, Media Arts and English assume basic knowledge of some filmmaking techniques.
Her Sound Her Story has been rated M for ‘mature themes and coarse language’ and is recommended for teenagers 15 years and over. In the documentary there is explicit language and some nudity and sexual imagery. If screening to younger students, permission from parents and caregivers is advised.
The Australian Curriculum general capabilities are embedded within specific learning activities, and are listed where appropriate:
ICT capability
Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Ethical understanding
Intercultural understanding