Before watching the documentary
Read the Synopsis, and How the Film Came About chapters. Answer the questions related to each chapter and share with classmates.
As a class, with a partner, or in small groups discuss the following questions:
Who are some of your favourite musicians
What is the gender balance of these musicians
Does gender make a difference in the music you listen to (for example, if you identify as female, are you more likely to listen to female musicians?)
What are your thoughts of gender equality globally?
What is being done in our society to address gender equality?
How does gender equality influence wellbeing?
Make a list with the class, (using a digital collaborative space such as a google doc, or a piece of paper), of all the factors you think might shape identities.
Watch the documentary
While watching the documentary, add to and explain different factors that shape identities. (ACPPS089)
After watching the documentary
Consider factors that shape identities (ACPPS089)
Re-watch the sequence in the documentary where Okenyo and Mojo Juju are interviewed.
Explain the key points that were discussed.
Explain, using examples from the documentary, how the following factors can shape identities.
Role models, for example the visibility of ‘people like me’ in the industry
Being told by others, that you can’t do something, because of your gender, age, ethnicity or identity
Privately brainstorm different factors that have shaped your identify. Explain one factor that you feel comfortable sharing.
Read about the chapter on themes of gender equality and complete the activities.
Research the #menomore movement
Read articles such as:
This outlines the open letter signed by famous Australian musicians aiming to change the Australian music industry. Evaluate and critique these strategies by completing a PMI brainstorm:
What is a “plus” of this strategy?
What is a “minus” of this strategy?
What is interesting about this strategy?
Working with a partner, or in a small group, develop a way to improve safety and wellbeing of female musicians and/or patrons at music festivals (ACPPS098) (ACPPS096)
How might this documentary on the subject of females in the music Australian industry positively influence the wellbeing of musicians?
The documentary shown at the start of Her Sound Her Story was made 25 years ago, why do you think there has been no huge change? What else could be done?
Research 5 current strategies to improve the wellbeing of females in the music industry. A good starting point is this article: Another strategy is starting the Australian Women in Music Awards
Evaluate and critique these strategies, using a Compass Points routine
Drawing on your research, form an idea for your own strategy
Consider how you could implement your strategy.
Present your refined strategy to the class.
Year 10 Achievement Standard addressed
By the end of Year 10, students critically analyse contextual factors that influence identities, relationships, decisions and behaviours. They analyse the impact attitudes and beliefs about diversity have on community connection and wellbeing. They evaluate the outcomes of emotional responses to different situations.
Content descriptions addressed
Evaluate factors that shape identities and critically analyse how individuals impact the identities of others (ACPPS089)
Critique behaviours and contextual factors that influence health and wellbeing of diverse communities (ACPPS098)
Plan, implement and critique strategies to enhance health, safety and wellbeing of their communities (ACPPS096)
Australian Curriculum general capabilities addressed in these activities:
ICT capability
Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Ethical understanding
Intercultural understanding